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Culture. People. Service.

3 Magic Questions to Ask Individual Team Members employee experience employee feedback employee retention listening

I had coffee with one of my favorite customers...no, one of my favorite people today. Not only is Reed Vanderslik one of the most encouraging...

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Employee Orientation Improves Retention employee orientation employee retention

If you think that your employee orientation doesn't have a big impact on your employee retention, think again. Recently, we've been doing a lot of...

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Can you shift your culture in 7-Minutes a Day or Less? employee experience employee retention organizational culture

What if I told you that you could begin to re-energize your people and revitalize your culture in 7 minutes a day or less? While it is true that...

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Employee Onboarding: An HR Function or a Team Sport? employee experience employee onboarding employee orientation employee retention

Employee Onboarding is NOT an HR Function. 

There, I said it. 

As we enter a new year with continued recruitment and retention...

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3 Random Helpful Ideas


As the year wraps up, I'm thinking about my interactions out and about with customers, members, and others, it's incredible how much I learn...

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The Z-Man Experience: What does Confidence Have to Do with Customer Service?

The other day I had breakfast at The Corner Kitchen in Asheville, NC, with my good friend Holly Stiel. Holly and I always have much to discuss as...

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Is it your People? Or Your Process?

I've spent a little time with a family member in the hospital this year. Thankfully, all has been resolved, and everyone is fine. However, my...

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10 Ways to Let Them Know You Care! empathy employee experience

When it comes to the many challenges the past few years have presented to leaders in the workplace, there are many factors that are out of your...

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Staffing Shortages and Groundhog Day! employee experience

Yesterday was Groundhog Day, and I received a wonderful email message from my friend, coach, facilitator, and speaker Cheri Honeycutt....

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Lead With Compassion empathy

If there was ever a time to lead with compassion and empathy, it’s now. We’ve all been through the wringer and the impact of the past...

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